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No results yet, butt quack

It is Wednesday night after a slew of scans this morning and we didn’t get a call with results. That makes for a restless night let me tell ya.

Couple of cool things in our world though. First is a big shout out to Jamie A. She took this sweet updated family photo for us. We’ll have a few more in the days ahead.

Second, we learned Malachi (our 7 yr old) has my sense of humor… Elizabeth was having a sweet moment with a friend who was helping us with rides for the boys. Let’s just say there were a few tears rolling. His response to that moment was, “Hey Mom, if anyone is crying at the hospital, tell them this joke: Why do ducks have tail feathers?… To cover their butt quacks.”

Proud Dad moment right there. I told him that one.

We have been pretty anxious today since these results could mean pretty bad things if they show cancer in other places. Elizabeth thought she saw one of the scans “light up”, which made her think there was more cancer elsewhere. Let’s pray she had no clue what she was looking at and it is nothing.

Thoughts from Elizabeth

Breast milk, flowers, and things we cant explain