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First cycle of chemo done and ways to pray-

Hey all! We just wanted to give a quick update and a few ways to pray.

Last week I finished my 4th AC chemo which was also my last! January 11th I begin the next one which will be every week for 12 weeks. The first one was supposed to be the harder one, so I’m thankful to be done with that.

We had a nice Christmas/New Year at home. We’re used to traveling to see our families but in order to avoid germs this year, we decided to stay home. There were definitely sad moments as I thought about the traditions and family we were missing, but it was also a sweet time with our little family. We made some new memories and Malachi still said it was “the best Christmas ever!” We sure do miss our family and friends though….I can’t wait to give everyone BIG hugs!

A few blessings I thought I’d share:

-One is that our angel baby, Judah, has been sleeping through the night since the week after my diagnosis. He sleeps from 8pm-8am. I’ve NEVER had a baby sleep through the night at 7 weeks old (or even 5 months old for that matter!). I can remember waking up every 1-4 hours until we finally decided to let our babies “cry it out” after many months of sleepless nights. After the first couple nights of Judah sleeping through the night, I remember thinking that someone must have specifically prayed for that. I can’t imagine having sleepless nights on top of what we’re already going through. Praise God!

—Another is that our kids have been getting along so well. I remember worrying about being home so much and the kids going stir crazy, but it really hasn’t been a problem for them! They of course have normal sibling squabbles, but overall they seem like best buddies. I’m SO thankful for this! I had someone tell me they were specifically praying for each of my kids and their behavior, which I admit seemed a little funny. Now I’m seeing how this prayer has been answered!

-Lastly, overall I have felt really good considering what is being put in my body (poison). I’m thankful for minimal side effects!

A few ways you can be praying for us:

-As I begin the next chemo on January 11th, pray that I would continue to have minimal side effects. Pray that it would be effective and that my tumor would shrink significantly.

-Pray for continued protection over our family from all the sickness going around.

-Pray Romans 15:13 over us: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” I love when it says “OVERFLOW with hope”—I want that for my life!

-Someone shared that in addition to praying for healing, they were praying that I (we) would grow in intimacy with the Father. I LOVE that and will always welcome that prayer.

-Lastly, of course, for healing in my body from head to toe.

Thank you for journeying with us and praying for us. Duncan and I have talked continually about the ways we’ve seen God answer prayers and we say, man, if we all really knew and believed the POWER of prayer, we would be praying A LOT more. I know our prayer lives have changed for the better! Let’s pray, people!!! :)



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