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Headlights or Hope lights

Hello my beautiful supporters of Elizabeth on this intense journey! We have a big week coming up and we wanted to connect quick. We could use some extra prayers and support these next few days. On Wednesday, January 11th, Elizabeth will be getting her MRI of the liver to determine if the small spot they found in August has grown. If it has grown, it is almost assuredly cancer, which is quite bad news.

After her scans in August we decided to just “get through the holidays” before trying to address that spot. They would have let us do scans sooner, but we didn’t want that stress over the Christmas season. We were blessed with a wonderful holiday time with family and friends, as I hope you did. After the gifts were opened and meals were enjoyed, both Elizabeth and I felt a great weight land on our shoulders Christmas night.

I couldn’t quite place the root of the heaviness at first, but soon realized that with the Christmas festivities done, it meant we were through the holidays… next up, determining the seriousness of Elizabeth’s prognosis. It is a very strange place to be, waiting on a scan that will determine if what is happening is life threatening. I don’t even like writing those words, let alone thinking about them.

My go-to way of prayer and reflection these days has been walking around my property. I often do this at night after the boys are in bed. One particular night I started wandering about, feeling heavy about the circumstance and looked up to what looked like headlights coming my way.

As I stood there seeing the big EPOH truck heading towards me, I had one of those profound still small voice moments.

“It is not a truck Duncan”

Not sure if it was the Lord saying that or just me talking to myself, but I wanted to shout back “BUT IT FEELS LIKE IT IS!!!”

As I continued my power walk that probably looked like a toddler tantrum at this point, I decided to go grab the mail that I forgot that day. As soon as I turned around from the mailbox, my little revelation came to pass.

Leading up to trials, in them, and after they pass, HOPE is still present. It often doesn’t feel like it. The reality of this life is that no one gets out alive. Whether it is “too soon” or after a good long life, those closest will mourn. But our hope is in eternity because of our faith in God, regardless of outcomes of tomorrow. We are thankful for this and hopeful in it.

I cannot image going through a trial like this without faith and our faith community. Doesn’t make it easy, but certainly gives strength when our own fails. We love you all and appreciate your intentional prayers this week for peace and clear scans.

In Hope,



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Stage 4

Time flies when you're not doing chemo