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Mexico part 2- The People

Part 2:

One of the things that I prayed a lot about before heading to Hope4Cancer was the people I would meet. I think I’m always looking for meaningful connections, so the idea of being around hopeful, encouraging people who have been down the same road as me, was really appealing. I also know you can’t force these things, so I was praying over the people I’d meet and the friendships we’d hopefully form.

This prayer was answered as soon as we walked into the dining room and a sweet, bubbly lady walked up and said hi (actually, she probably said something like “hey ya’ll!”) and we were instant friends. Julie and Mick came to H4C from Texas. Mick had an aggressive cancer and has had a tough road. He had a 17 pound (!!!!!!) tumor removed which is insane and they share their story on their FB page #micksmiracle. They have experienced miracle after miracle and are so quick to testify at what God has done. Mick continues to follow an integrative approach, doing both conventional and alternative medicine. They were a constant source of encouragement for us. Walking through the clinic, it wouldn’t be uncommon for me to see them praying over people and talking about Jesus and constantly making people laugh. The night before they left, they prayed over me and it was one of my favorite memories. After they left, I kept thinking, “we need to be the ones welcoming/loving on new people and praying over people now that Mick and Julie are gone.” That’s a pretty powerful influence to have on someone! Our lives are better because we met Mick and Julie. We continue praying boldly for Mick– for his healing and that his life would bring God glory.

We love Mick and Julie!

Another person we met soon after was Micky. Micky was a sweet man who came to H4C 15 years ago and never did any conventional treatment. His doctors in North Carolina thought he was crazy, but the alternative treatments he did helped to get rid of his cancer. When he went back to share his experience with those doctors, they didn’t want to hear any of it. He came back to Mexico this year because some of his numbers were elevated, so he was being proactive and went through all the treatments again. He was so encouraging and we really enjoyed spending time with him. 

Micky is in the front with a blue shirt. This is a group of us who went to a church service at His Hands of Hope, about 20 miles inland.

Brooke was there for a follow-up. She loved getting to share her “success” story. She also didn’t do any conventional treatment. She started at a clinic in California first, but then decided to switch to H4C. She had Stage 3 ovarian cancer when she came and now has no evidence of disease after following the protocol they gave her at H4C. I loved hearing her story. 

Our friend Ruby has been going to H4C for all her medical needs since she doesn’t have an oncologist in the states. The first time she went, she was in a wheelchair. She said she had a walker and a cane. You would never know it now–she looks amazing! I told her several times that just seeing her walking around that place was an encouragement to me. Like Mick and Julie, I would often find Ruby and her husband Alfonso, praying over people and talking about what the Lord has done in her life. One of the first things she said to me was, ‘you know God didn’t give you this cancer, right?!” She was a bright light in that place.

This is at the church service. Ruby and Alfonso are closest and Pastor Michael is praying over me in the background. Julie snapped this pic for us. :)

I met Nikki in my last week there. She had an aggressive, stage 4 cancer but was determined to do everything it took to heal. She had lymes disease years before and healed that through some similar treatments. She had surgery in the states and then when the cancer came back a year later, her doctors wanted to do chemo (actually the same chemo I did). But the success rates weren’t very promising for her rare cancer, so she decided to look for other options. I just talked to her recently and her most recent ct scan showed zero cancer. Her goal was to be cancer free by November 1, so now she said she needs to come up with a new goal. Ha :) 

The last story I’ll share is about a connection I made after I returned home. My friend Cynthia from H4C connected me to a former H4C patient, Lisa. Lisa was diagnosed with an incurable form of lymphoma 8 years ago. She went to Mexico and continued her protocol at home, and has been in remission for 7 years. That alone is an amazing story! But what’s also amazing is that Lisa has four kids and she homeschools (just like me!). When she got home from H4C, her kids were my kids’ current ages. We have been emailing back and forth and I love being able to ask her practical questions about treatments she did, how she handled hard days, how she approached homeschool upon returning home, etc. She has been a GIFT to me. She’s quick to point me to the Lord, and is full of so much wisdom. She actually has a book about her story, “Meet My Medical Director” and “The Whisper Within.” You can find it on her website, I haven’t read them yet, but I plan to soon!

I could talk about SO MANY other amazing people we met. So many friends. So many encouraging people. So many beautiful moments that make me tear up just thinking about them. Honestly, being surrounded by people who have walked a similar road, looking them in the eyes and knowing that at least to some extent, they understand what you’ve been through and vice versa, is powerful. And I think I can speak for Duncan when I say the companions experienced the same thing with other companions. 

I also want to be transparent and say this road, even with all these hopeful stories, is very hard. We are grateful for the many healing stories, but the reality is we live in a broken world where sickness and disease continue on. You can do all the “right” things, and it still may not “work”. We are in touch with people from Mexico who aren’t doing well and some who have passed away. We’ve grieved in these moments. We feel very called to enter into people’s pain on this journey and to intercede for people, and with that comes a lot of grieving and lament. It’s a constant reminder that we don’t put our hope in physical healing on this Earth, but in Jesus who is our ultimate healer. 


I hope some of this was encouraging! I’ve now met people who have healed through conventional medicine, through integrative medicine, through alternative medicine, and through miraculous healing. When someone says any one of these isn’t possible, I politely disagree. :) God can use any of these means! 

My little juice helpers!

Here are some ways to pray:

-If you could, pray for my father in law, Jim Bone. He is having open heart surgery on Wednesday, June 14th. A triple bypass and valve replacement . 

Here’s the Bone Fam. Pray for Jim, Duncan’s dad, and Amanda, his sister.

-I’m sure many of you know but Duncan’s sister, Amanda, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is 37 with two small kids. We actually found out on our second day in Mexico. She is currently going through chemo and we’d love it if you would cover her in prayer, too. God has already provided for her in the most amazing ways. But, it’s still hard and our family has been hit with a lot of tough circumstances.

-Our plan is to go to Mexico the week of August 13th for a 2-3 day follow-up. This won’t include treatments unless we pay extra for those, but will include all the testing and doctor visits. I will mostly likely have a CT scan and MRI before I go, so those will determine if we’re on the right path with treatments or if we need to make adjustments.

-Praise God with us for providing in every way. This is something that was prayed over us early on and we’ve seen it happen over and over. Recently, our church put on a benefit dinner for us. It was amazing. Another time we’ll share more about this and how we plan to use these resources to bless others, too. 

My first time getting a haircut since my hair started growing back. I’m loving it. :)

Love you all! Thanks for reading and for loving on us,

-Elizabeth (+ the crew)

News We Have Been Looking For

The Treatments in Mexico