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You are capable of more than you think. We’ll show you.

Covid recovery, giving thanks and life updates

Dear diary, it has been a while since we’ve talked…

That is how I feel most of the time as I write these little life updates for you all. This is both a personal journal for us and a way to not have to repeat the story dozens of times. We are beyond blessed with the amount of people reaching out to help and wanted to know how we are doing. In this season of thanks I sincerely say, Thank you.

I was just telling the two guys that came to help me get my leaves picked up that at the end of this season of treatment for Elizabeth we are going to have a giant cook out and everyone is invited! So here is your unofficial save the date… summer of 2023 is going to be a banger.

Judah’s big blue eyes

The Medical Process

So if you read the last blog you saw we finally had our run in with the ol’ beer virus… Corona. While it was a nasty sickness we had to deal with, we both had fairly mild symptoms. For Elizabeth, it was hard to tell what were Covid symptoms and what were chemo side effects. The chemo nausea seemed to flow right into Covid nausea. We both had some head and back aches and got a minor cough after we got to the other side of fatigue. We are both pretty much back to full strength now, including the joy of being able to taste our wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. That was close…

Elizabeth has lost her hair from that one chemo treatment… cancer sucks. Blows my mind how beautiful she is though. #hairoptional

Life Updates

A cancer diagnosis puts life into different perspective. As many of you know I have been in the fitness/health and wellness profession for about eight years (among 17 other things I have also done in that time frame). I have read extensively in that time about antioxidants and fighting disease. I know this stuff, or so I thought. Diving more into what it means to fight cancer through diet and environment have become my new past time.

The different programs and professionals I have connected with on the topic have been amazing, but are making me rethink our lifestyle. SO MANY VEGETABLES lol. With cancer, a very crude explanation is that toxins + cellular damage and not enough immune response = mutating cells. There is way more to it and that isn’t an exact science (forgive me folks who know the exact science, just trying to dumb it down for my sake).

So what does that mean for us? It means we are going to try to accelerate what we have wanted to do since we were engaged: live simple, away from noise, grow/raise as much of our own food as possible. It is an expensive venture to make that happen (starting a garden from scratch takes a lot) so we are going to begin the process of simplifying. I am going to make a new page on here with the items we are going to sell. Hopefully you can find something that would make for a good Christmas gift for someone! I’ll post big ticket items first (if you are against guns, please don’t think less of me!).

Much love everyone. We appreciate you more than you know.


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Malachi's confusion and E's second infusion

First infusion, comfort buy and unfortunate timing