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You are capable of more than you think. We’ll show you.

Malachi's confusion and E's second infusion

I don’t know about you, but I love me a good drama or action movie that has impeccable comedic relief and timing. While our household has many laughable moments, Malachi won the day again without even trying again.

With Elizabeth’s second infusion being scheduled for today, her parents, being the amazing people that they are, came up to help for the week. Knowing grandpa is always awake super early, Malachi likes to sneak out of his room in the morning for some early chats.

Yesterday I happened to be up just as early as grandpa but was reading in the room next to living room where there is a vent between the rooms. I could hear everything that my little chatterbox son was conveying to his grandpa. After explaining to grandpa the reasons why he was the superior grandchild in the family (sorry brothers and cousins), he pause and asked a serious question that turned into hilarity:

M- “Grandpa, do you have cancer?”

G- “not any more (kinda)”

M *confused*- “but you don’t have any breasts?”

My entirely too old looking 7 year old…

That statement made me nearly spit out my coffee. See, Grandpa was diagnosed with Lymphoma and Leukemia thirteen years ago and is currently in remission. So Malachi has heard us talk about how grandpa has had cancer too. Grandpa graciously explained to Malachi that there are different kinds of cancer and that boys have breasts too, they are just different.

That little moment of laughter is just one highlight to the joy in our home. It doesn’t lessen the difficulty of Elizabeth’s fatigue and nausea that started to hit within hours of her infusion today, or times like me struggling to keep it together as I shaved her beautiful but now patchy head. It is hard to explain sometimes how we can be both struggling AND joyous, but it is true.

I sound like a broken record on here when I talk about all the people who are loving on us. We are so blessed with amazing community, friends and family. We still get food dropped off weekly by our “love ladies”. One of Elizabeth’s best friends started a sign up so every week we have a person assigned to help with kids rides and another person assigned to help with food. We get packages of things to keep the boys busy, comfort items for Elizabeth, and many other little blessings and bits of encouragement.

It is always good to have an anchor point when you feel your emotions getting more volatile than you know they should be. Prayer and reading are my go to, but having other things like a totem of sorts are also helpful at times. Another blessing was this coin that my cousin sent me to help encourage me and help strengthen my resolve. I will be carrying this around regularly. I can’t say it enough, I love you all!

Specific ways to pray:

  • Elizabeth’s chemo side effects be minimal

  • Wise decisions on future housing options

  • That our cafe continues to grow and support our family

Specific ways to help:

  • Go share/review our Fortress Cafe social media stuff

  • Send a gun lover to the “Stuff We’re Selling” page

  • Give recommendations on best mountainous vacations spots (we are planning a big vaca for after treatment is done next year)

  • Unofficially save the date for sometime in summer 2023 for a massive celebration party at our house for her recovery


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Thoughts from Elizabeth: God is with you

Covid recovery, giving thanks and life updates