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You are capable of more than you think. We’ll show you.

Paint job and a chick my wife approves of

I know what you are thinking with that title… Elizabeth must be pretty trusting to allow me to have some chick in my life. The crazy part is that it is actually twenty chicks. I was going to start with just six baby chickens, but after a friend pointed out that 20 is the same amount of effort and infrastructure, I went for the amount that would actually produce enough eggs to feed my family. I hope there are a few extra to give out too.

That is paint on my hand, not poo.

On to the real reason you grace our blog with your presence: Elizabeth.

My darling wife is reaching her final few treatments of chemo (3 remain). With the chemo treatment getting towards the end, a new round of imaging and doctor appointments are ahead of her. Imaging appointments have not been her favorite since the original ultrasound from two years ago proved unreliable, and the ones that actually found problems caught her off guard. That means bad memories and feelings hit every time she has to do a medical photo shoot. Pray for peace as these next few approach.

The great news to start is that between the recent MRI and the “clinical observation” (sight and feel of affected area), the tumor has shrunk fairly noticeably. Praise the Lord! Now on to making some tough decisions in the coming days.

Once chemo is done she will have one of two paths. The first is surgery, where she’ll decide between a single or double mastectomy and reconstruction options. The second is if the surgeon thinks the tumor needs to shrink more to have effective outcome of surgery. If that is the case she will have about four months of a hormone therapy treatment that help her type of cancer. Elizabeth is ready to have this thing out of her so we are hoping and praying for option #1.

We have had so many people bless us with help along this journey. Many others have offered assistance if we ever need it. Well folks, we have a pretty big project ahead of us that could use some extra hands: we’re moving! Move date is Mar 26 and we would be grateful for some extra hands. Anyone local that wants to join the moving fun, shoot me an email at saying you are in.

Jonathan got cold… and wasn’t excited about it.

Before the actual move date though we would love to get some cosmetic things done at the property. We have had several of Elizabeth’s friends helping paint so far but would love to spread the love so they don’t have to do all of it. Have experience painting?! We would be ever grateful for a volunteer or two to help paint a room. We also have a some cleanup and minor construction/demolition stuff to be done as well. Shoot me an email if you are bored and want to be put to work in the next ten days. Probably won’t need everyone, but a few will be welcomed!

We appreciate you all more than you know. Can’t wait to throw a massive “all clear” party this fall at our new house to celebrate life and community with you all.

Much Love,

Duncan and Elizabeth

A big move and a big let down

Mystery meat, beefy boy, and the longshot that hit