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You are capable of more than you think. We’ll show you.

A big move and a big let down

It is hard to believe we have already been in our new house for two weeks! We had a group of amazing people come help us move what was the equivalent of a full house and two businesses. For those who don’t know, I do personal training and sports performance training, which means I have a full fitness studio of exercise equipment AND a bunch of restaurant equipment for a new commercial kitchen we’re opening. It was a crazy day. But this is now our place of peace.

I can’t thank the people who came out enough for helping us make that happen. What a blessing it is to have a community of people who intentionally care for us. As we are unpacking it is exciting to think of the ways we will celebrate and gather with this community in the days ahead. Many gatherings to be had! This property will apparently force me into hunting as well, per the finding in the woods…

Found some buck sheds on a walk with Malachi!

As anyone knows who has been through it, moving is stressful. So is going through cancer treatment. So is living in a pandemic world. So is have a baby in the house. So is being a parent in general. Ugh…

Even with all those things swirling around and doing our best to keep our spirits up and look to God for strength, there are some things that still knock us down. We have been in awe of the incredible blessing of this property. Even with that sweet knowledge in front of us, the last doctor appointment was a bit of a gut check. Our expectation going in was that we would be laying out the plan for surgery then radiation, THEN DONE.

Unfortunately the doctors looked over her case and saw how things had been missed early on, so they decided to be extra cautious with her… that means more scans and imaging. It is not a bad thing for them to double check their work before she goes through a major surgery like a double mastectomy. We just didn’t want any more steps.

The most recent CT scan she did showed that one of the two “small, indiscriminate” spots they had found on her liver in her initial scans back in October, had disappeared. That is great right?! They never biopsied the liver so we don’t know what the spots were. Seeing that it disappeared after chemo makes them think the one may have been cancerous. They can never tell for sure now, but because of that they want to do a PET/CT scan to take another deep dive look into what is happening in her body.

It is just a double checking scan. Nothing else in the CT was concerning. It is probably nothing. But full disclosure, it is pretty demoralizing. We want this stupid thing to be done. We don’t want news that it may have been worse than they thought. It is probably not, but it might be. But its probably not. (There is a glimpse into the tug-o-war in my brain). Once again I tell myself and Elizabeth that it is nothing until it is something. The more times I have to say that, the less weight it seems to carry. We are weary.

I cannot express enough how grateful we are for our home and all those who have helped make it a reality. It has been quite the diamond in the rough of the current days. I am enjoying getting our mini little farm/homestead started. We have bees now. Looking forward to some sweet honey later this year.

Continue to pray for our peace of mind. Pray for clear scans at tomorrow’s (4/10/22) PET scan. Pray we move forward as originally planned. If anyone has any extra gardening/farming tools they want to get rid of or a patio table/chairs, I’m looking to buy some! Appreciate you all for reading this far and keeping us in your prayers.

Much love,

Duncan and Elizabeth

See... I told me it was nothing

Paint job and a chick my wife approves of