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You are capable of more than you think. We’ll show you.

No news was the good news!

For many months now we have tried our darndest to keep everyone up to date on the happenings of Elizabeth’s journey. Over the course of the last five weeks she has had her first mastectomy (plus four lymph nodes) and has healed up beautifully. She is an amazing woman as many of you know.

The reports in this time have been very encouraging! The surgery was the last indicator we would have on how effective her chemo treatment was. The lab reports after surgery showed NO CANCER IN THE BREAST! That is the huge part. There was a microscopic amount of cancer cells still found in the first lymph node, but not in the second, third or fourth.

That microscopic amount was a little scary to hear at first. It wasn’t until there was much reassurance from both the surgeon and the radiation doctors that they are ecstatic (my words) about her results. Treatment was considered a wonderful success. The microscopic amount shown was too small to be seen on a PET scan and if there is any left lingering that the surgery didn’t pull out, the radiation will zap.

With all this good news you are probably wondering why we having taken the time to tell the world how awesome it is?!? Welp, I guess we just got into a routine of normal living for the first time in eight months that I forgot to. For a few days there, it almost felt like this whole thing was behind us. That is also largely in part due to the fact that our property has some significant projects we have been working on.

We cannot thank you enough for your love and support in this time. On June 21st Elizabeth will start her radiation treatment. She has been told that it is the easiest part of treatment, but can expect some fatigue to build up during the 5 week span of daily radiation treatment. The treatment only takes 10-15 minutes, so it is quick, but daily for 28 sessions will be wearing.

Usually by this point in an update I have cracked some kind of joke for comedic relief. I guess it wasn’t needed since there was all joy and excitement this time! For those who crave my witty charm and comedy, fear not, I will make it up to you next time.

Until then, enjoy this water color painting Elizabeth did while she was recovering from surgery. It is the teaser for the upcoming launch of her online greeting card and digital prints store where proceeds will go to help those going through breast cancer treatment.

Thoughts from the 5k runner (hint- not Duncan)

Surgery, a confession and reflection